Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Early Bird Gets the Worm...

...But Sleeping in Bird gets the Nest all to Itself.
This is me circa 2010 in my dorm room at complete rest. Just about the time 6 am work days started.
 Photo Credit: Kasey Owens, my creeping roommate.

It's simple, if you wake up early you are an adult. If you sleep in, you are a child. Somehow the higher number of hours in sleep equates to a lower number in age.

At least, this is what's been proven from my daily lifestyle. 

My age fluctuates throughout the week so I apologize if you catch me on a day I go into work late when you want me to simply reply to really any type of communication you send my way. The same apology if you want to go out for a night on the town when I work at 6 a.m. Even more apologies if you tolerate my bipolar ages as I try to maintain these backwards hours of employment.

For example, my boss at the library (my late day job) texted me asking me to work an extra day. Cool. When did I answer? The following day when I was at the cafe, my early day job. And not only did I put off response until I was feeling more mature but I responded before 7 a.m. on that day. Thanks, Over-achieving Self... even though you've already waited over 12 hours to reply.  

On the early days my first alarm goes off at 4:48. And yes I say "first" because there is no way I ever wake up for that first alert. See ya, possible military career?

Anyway I am very much not a morning person. And then I realized I probably always pick jobs that require such an early wake up because I don't like to be at work during my favorite part of the day: late afternoon/early evening. As much as cleaning off my car in darkness using my bare hands (because I will never learn to keep a pair of gloves handy) is frustrating, the fact that I'm done by 3 p.m. makes me feel accomplished and able to do more of what I actually want to do during the day...

Which is sleep. ;]

Early days make me a superb daughter-that-still-lives-at-home-at-22, if such a thing exists. I feed the dog, let him outside, set the lighting of the house just as my parents like it, break the coffee pot in and take the freshest cup... you know, actions of a martyr.

Late days I wake up at 9:30, play on the computer and/or spend an hour in the tub reading, all the while cursing that I have to work later despite the fact that that's why I get such a leisurely morning. It's anything but hectic, despite my complaining. But hey, wasn't that what teenage years were like anyway?

The main point in all this is 22 is an awkward age. Years ago I would have been a bona fied adult and years from now this age will probably be the status of today's 18 year-old but right now? Well, right now it's the transformation. Then again, maybe this is what it means to grow up. It doesn't all happen at once, we all know that from puberty (which was just the worst, right!?)

The good thing with the transition from college-adult to full-blown adult versus adolescence... at least I don't have "red dots"* on my face letting the world know it's happening. Instead, I just make blog entries stating it straight out!

*as the lovely kids I used to babysit when I was a teenager would call them.