Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cleaning Out My Closet

The time has come. All my shelves in my room filled with old trophies, dolls, and knick knacks I've somehow accumulated in 22 years are about to be no more.

I figured that the only way to move on to the next stage in my life, especially one where I am now* a certified adult, would be to start fresh and weed out the excess of what was. I don't care for a lot of things decorating my life anymore, or at least other things have become more meaningful. While I am sad if I think about this too long, I guess it is something everyone goes through if they're lucky enough. And thank God, I am able to be lucky enough.

So where to begin? I guess with the medal I had from throwing javelin that fell off its ribbon a few months ago. It is always as if my room knows when I need to start moving forward. In the dorm rooms and apartment I've lived in over the past 4 years, all my posters and wall hangings started falling on their own when it came to the end of the semester or the end of my living there. Granted, I never seemed to have the utensils I needed to properly hang things (shout out to my old roommates Sara, Kasey, and Hannah for helping me out constantly on that end.) Yet, I like to think of it as a sign. Okay, two signs. 1-Start buying the basics for myself. And 2-Shake that etch-a-sketch of life and turn the knobs to get something new!

Have I started this process yet? No. It sounds like the worst. I mean, I am horrible at goodbyes. Which is why if you ever have said goodbye to me I probably either faded out silently and you never got a chance to say bye, or I made a big deal where I hugged you a lot. I feel incomplete just waving and walking away.

You may say, "Bridget, this isn't people." To which I say, "It is. It's me from another life." Because these are the things I loved as a kid, the things I cherished as a teen, and the things that make me smile to look back on now. Like silly notes I've passed to friends in class. Am I still friends with those people? Do I know what half the stuff meant? Nope! But I'm terrible at throwing it out.

For months I've been toying with that idea of going through things but it has only been recently I've decided to be done with a lot of it for good. All things take time. Which is why naturally the "clean my room" bullet has been on my to-do list every day for weeks. Sometimes I even try to trick myself and write it differently, i.e. "organize containers in room" or "sort through my clothes." As of yet, none have been successful.

Perhaps putting it to the blog will set my list in stone.

Regardless, I am making a conscious decision to simplify and rid my life of so many fractions. Because frankly, I was never good at math.

* I originally typed "not" instead. There is one big cake of irony that my life just can't stop taking bites of.

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