I've come up with different topics to write about lately and so I start all of them but naturally I end up getting distracted/lose my inspiration. Sooo while I have 3 posts published, my account here says I have like 11. Perhaps I will just put them all together and display the immense spectrum of ideas my mind comes up with... or not.
But let's keep this entry based around my GETTING A JOB!
I've waited tables since I was 17 and frankly, I was looking to broaden my part-time job skills. So after having experienced a weird and scary situation with a side-job (let's just sum it up with- I was followed by a stranger while driving), I had a nice breakdown full of tears and self-pity. Things had to change and I had to feel like my life was starting to get a move-on because this blog can only do so much.
My older sister Kathleen and I drove around town looking for "Help Wanted" signs and found none. Rather than go find the closest restaurant and fall into a wonderful rut I decided to walk into places and flat-out ask if they were hiring (hooray for face-to-face conversations!) Well, both places told me to go online. So online I went and applied to Starbucks. Since that was the most I've had to do in awhile, I was spent and decided not to apply anywhere else right then.
Well a week later I got an unexpected call from the closest Starbucks and they asked me a few questions and then I had an interview the following Friday! I looked fancy enough with my straightened hair and I was even allowed to grab a drink for free while I was interviewed.
Most of it went smoothly. Sure enough though, I used the wrong gender pronoun in reference to one of the employees. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!? Ironically, just the night before I was talking with my friend Sammy and she said how if she had a 50 % to get something right she'd get it wrong. Apparently the syndrome is contagious.
The interviewer was very sweet and ignored my error (which I didn't know was an error at first) then continued to mention the person's name so I'd realize my mistake. Thanks for not calling me an idiot and telling me to leave, Interviewer.
I was told I'd get a call the following Monday either way. Well, for what I'm sure is foreshadowing, Starbucks called me the very next day and interrupted a nap I was taking. Although, it was worth it because I was told I'd have a second interview on Monday.
I was running late of course because I decided there would be enough time to grab a breakfast sandwich in Millersville on my way home from Hershey before getting to my interview. Idiot, strike two. I then had to change in the car and pin my bed-head hair back (no fancy straightening this time) but I made it there right on time!
The person I had made the wrong assumption about before turned out to be awesome and was working the register when I got my second free drink. Person, I hope we become friends and you never find out about this situation because I am mortified... and also I'm horrible for such an assumption but you won't know that if we're friends!
This second interview was less embarrassing and I was told I'd get a call in a few days.
Welp, they called me a few hours later and told me I had the job and they agreed I'd make a great part of their team. A happy dance ensued and a moral lesson was learned: if you don't know for sure, stop talking Bridget.
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