Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ten Fun Things to do Before You Die.

I am currently reading a book called "Ten Fun Things to do Before You Die" by a nun named Karol Jackowski. It's brief, it's humorous, and it is real.

It has inspired me to make a list of my own, that may or may not change (most likely will) throughout my life. It's fun and it is also aligned in no specific order other than the way my brain came up with it.

Try your own list and tell me what you put on it. The unexamined life is not worth living, so tell me what you've examined about your own =]

1. Eat cheesecake while taking a bubble bath. I have recently done this. I stand by it's extraordinary power to demolish the bad things that happened earlier in your day... however, I suppose you could do this in the morning. I'm more of a savory person in the morning myself, but if you're into the sweet side of the AM than I suggest trying this out then rather than at the end of the day.
2. Cut your own hair. At least once. It's your damn hair and I cannot tell you how empowering it is to style and perhaps even abuse it by yourself.
3. Run until you puke. I understand this one may have some opposing viewpoints but it is still going to remain on my list. There is something to be said about pushing your body to its literal limit. There are a lot of metaphors for this concept but I say physically make it happen. Your blood will be pumping, your skin will be on fire, your stomach in unrest, and your mind satisfied.
4. Play hookie.  I am never on time. Even if I am running on time I will find a little chore to do to make me late. I don't understand it. I guess there is a deeper unconscious desire to be waited for rather than waiting for someone else. But such is life. We all have weird brain operations that we can't articulate. Anyway, that is a subtle way of playing hookie. Being expected somewhere and not being there. It is also called being an asshole so I am working on it. But this point was really to advise playing hookie for an entire day. Make it yours. Do whatever you want. Eat whatever you want. Call whomever you want. And enjoy.
5. Eavesdrop in a public place. This is one of my favorite hobbies. I don't do it to be a creep or make fun of people but rather to observe the everyday things that make up other people's lives. I find it fascinating. It is like watching all of those artsy films and plays that narrowly observe the normalcies of one person or family. The mundaneness of life is poetic when it isn't yours. I suggest recognizing that and appreciating that.
6. Aggressively avoiding something you hate. Know what you don't like and don't settle on putting up with it. This could be big or small. For example, I hate onions. I hate putting up with their horrible clear selves that "you can barely taste." I'm just not into it and I firmly let people know this about me. I also don't like sleeping with only one pillow. I always have an extra pillow with me, literally. I have a panda pillow in the backseat of my car. You could say this is high maintenance or you could say I know the key things I need to make me happy and I want to be happy.
7. Pray. You don't have to believe in God to pray. You can believe in karma or wind even and still pray. I personally believe in all three. Praying puts things in perspective and releases you from worldly troubles that lack value and places true value on the spiritual things that deserve it. Let quiet meditation invade your body and mind for just a little bit every day. You will see a difference. You will see better.
8. Pick favorites. Everyone says you should treat all the same. No. I think you should reward those people and things that make your day better. Treat them as the gift they are. Pick favorites but still acknowledge all.
9. Trust your instincts. Plain and simple. Question and understand why you have an innate feeling to do something but trust it all the same. It is natural and it is telling. Don't wait to find out if it is right by letting something go wrong. The same way my unconscious makes me late is also the same way my gut instinct has kept me from car accidents and broken hearts. These things are not coincidences.
10. Work hard at what comes easily. The things that come easily are the things that are easy to sweep under the rug.  I am a good writer. It comes easily to me. I don't write enough because of this though and so I don't have much to show for being a good writer (or at least as much as I could). My friend Sara is an amazing singer and she sings all the time. My friend Lynn is an amazing baker and she bakes all the time. They are some of my favorites and I'm proud to recognize their talent. Find and be proud of what you're good at and don't avoid training it as best you can. That which we don't use, we lose.

Now some of these may be wildly specific but details are what make things what they are, right?

This list will change tomorrow but I can know what I valued today, May 7th 2014, when I am 70 years old.